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I believe
Main Navigation
1. God our Creator and Father
2. About Man
a) The Purpose of Man
b) The Fall of Man
c) Consequences of the Fall of Man
d) The Punishment for Sin
e) Kinds of Sin
f) Knowledge of Sin through the Divine Law
g) The Ten Commandments
3. Jesus Christ, our Saviour
4. The Holy Spirit
5. Order of Salvation
a) Election
b) Calling
c) Regeneration
d) Justification
e) Sanctification
f) Glorification and Christian Hope
6. The Church
7. Means of Grace
a) Word of God
b) Baptism
c) Lord’s Supper
8. Prayer
Archive for 1. God our Creator and Father
1. God our Creator and Father
1. Who is God?
2. Can we see God?
3. So then, do we know anything about God?
4. How does God show Himself to man?
5. Are these revelations sufficient to get to know God and His will fully?
6. How does God especially make Himself known to man?
7. What do we know that is certain about God through His revelation in Jesus Christ?
8. What can you rejoice in most?
9. Why is God called the Triune God?
10. What do we believe about God?
11. How do we recognise God’s greatness?
12. What does it mean for us, knowing that God created everything?
13. Who are the angels?
14. How is the world sustained?
15. What do we understand about God’s providence and how He rules the world?
16. How does this realisation encourage us?
17. What does God as our Father, Creator and Lord expect from us?