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I believe
Main Navigation
1. God our Creator and Father
2. About Man
a) The Purpose of Man
b) The Fall of Man
c) Consequences of the Fall of Man
d) The Punishment for Sin
e) Kinds of Sin
f) Knowledge of Sin through the Divine Law
g) The Ten Commandments
3. Jesus Christ, our Saviour
4. The Holy Spirit
5. Order of Salvation
a) Election
b) Calling
c) Regeneration
d) Justification
e) Sanctification
f) Glorification and Christian Hope
6. The Church
7. Means of Grace
a) Word of God
b) Baptism
c) Lord’s Supper
8. Prayer
Archive for 5. Order of Salvation
5. Order of Salvation
108. Why do we speak of an “order of salvation”?
109. What are the most important parts of God’s work of salvation for the individual?
110. What does the Bible mean by election?
111. What is the practical meaning of election?
112. What do we mean by “calling”?
113. When does God’s call become a calling?
114. What is the Holy Spirit’s role in calling sinners?
115. How do people respond to God’s call?
116. What does it mean to be “born again”?
117. Why must every person be born again?
118. What does the sinner receive when reborn?
119. Does the sinner also have to do something for this transformation to happen in him?
120. What are God’s driving forces in the process of conversion?
121. What is repentance?
122. When is repentance sincere?
123. How is repentance preparation for faith?
124. What does faith mean?
125. How does true faith manifest itself?
126. How do rebirth and conversion relate to one another?
127. What does Scripture say about justification?
128. How are we justified?
129. Can we know whether we are God’s children?
130. How does faith that justifies manifest itself?
131. What is sanctification?
132. What does being “sanctified” mean?
133. How does God sanctify us?
134. What is our role in the process of sanctification?
135. In what does the glorification of believers consist?
136. What will happen when the Lord returns?
137. When will the Lord return?
138. How will the Lord return?
139. What is the first effect of the Lord’s return?
140. What will happen immediately after the first resurrection?
141. What does knowledge of the Lord’s return exhort us to do?
142. Where do the dead believers reside until their resurrection?
143. What else will happen when Christ returns?
144. When will the world be judged, also known as the “Last Day”?
145. Who does God allow to judge the world?
146. How will mankind be judged on the “Last Day”?
147. What is the end of Satan and his followers?
148. What great work will God do after the judgment of the world?
149. What is God’s last goal?